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Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The Back Story, You Gotta Have a Back Story.

Its been almost a year since my shoulder injury, Brachial Plexus Impingement.  (I wouldn't recommend it, its sucks pretty hard)  Although its not an excuse, I've gained at least 20 pounds and lost a crapton of muscle strength since I've been unable to run. With the help of my super awesome friend/chiropractor I've regained use and sensation of my hand and arm and don't have constant pain anymore, which is pretty cool.  Its been a vicious cycle of pain, not working  out, not running (which I sooo miss) junk food, wine, stress and being just plain tired!  My good friend Tracey invited me to a 'Fitness Mixer' and gave me a sample of this stuff, 'Spark'(go ahead, click it, you know you want to.)  To be honest I was expecting lots of glitter and something pink...well, I was partly correct.  I had been trying, unsuccessfully, to lose some of this damn weight.  But...I was so tired. Every morning and all day.

6:00a hit snooze
6:10, hit snooze again.
6:20 listen to alarm and stare at ceiling wondering if its really Saturday and I forgot to turn off my alarm (no such luck, EVER)
6:25 drag myself out of bed fight with kid to get up and dressed, eat a crappy granola bar or chalky protein shake, gag and try not to vomit. 
7:00am off to drop kid  Exhausted.
7:30-4:30  lots of coffee, I mean, LOTS the workworkworkwork the rest of the day. With a few breaks and a lunch thrown in at some point.  I always  had good intentions every day of going to the gym but then around rolls.....
4:30p and its leave work, pick up kid, take kid home, kid is crabby, cranky, has homework, hungry.  Make dinner, BAM its 
7:30p, kid doesn't want to go to Y, I'm tired, kids tired, read a book, put kid to bed, where is my wine??
10:00.  out, exhausted, maybe I'll get up early and workout tomorrow...there is always tomorrow..

So...I bit the bullet and bought a 24 day Challenge.  I had done a similar challenge about 3 years ago and had awesome results, so I knew I could do it and rock it.  I had a little panic attack that moment when I entered my credit card info and hit send as any dirt broke single mom does on a daily basis.  

And then, we wait for the package to arrive...

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