Wow....just realized I'm on Day 100 of my 24 Day Challenge! I should have planned a celebration!! If you know me at all you know I love me some muscle fuel...I've been using it very sparingly since I found out its been on back order, ugh. Today I coupled o2 Gold with muscle fuel before a run and omg. Amaaahzing.
I have asthma, which has greatly and dramatically improved since starting with Advocare 100 days ago. Since the 24 DC and continued weight loss and use of OmegaPlex I have gotten off my controller medication and my lung function has become close to that of a 'normal' person! But today was THE day I put it all to the test. Today was the first day EVER I ran without using my albuterol as a pre treatment. I took o2 Gold 60 minutes before I planned to run, ate carb/protein snack then muscle fuel 30 minutes prior. I set out and BAM. 3.1 miles in just under 31 minutes...thats better than I had been running 6 months ago WITH using my albuterol. This stuff really works.
I ran at a good pace and once I hit the 3.1 miles I had committed to running I still felt awesome, I really felt like I could continue on a few more miles....but alas I only had sitter a short while and had to head back home.
Second bonus, typically once I stop running I need my albuterol again but not this time. I was so happy I almost cried. I have never ever been able to do this in my entire life and for the first time I feel like a 'normal' person. I seriously cannot wait to tell my asthma doc about this milestone. I'm so pumped.