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Sunday, April 14, 2013

Tall, Dark and Delicious

There is a new love in my life, version, delicious, never disappoints me. No, friends this isn't a post about how I finally found that certain someone special. This is about my favorite jumpstart to the morning, The divine Dark Chocolate meal replacement shake.

When I heard about the Dark Chocolate Vegetarian protein shakes I just could not wait to try them. I have tried and tried and tried many a vegetarian protein and meal replacement shake and almost all of them make me gag. I know they are good for me and a good source of plant protein but omg...most of them are uh...well kinda nasty. I can't quite place my finger on what the funk comes from but its hard to gag them down. So, needless to say I didn't have that high of hopes for this version. But...I decided to give it a whirl...if nothing else I knew it would be great to make some balls with!

The first time I had the shake I shook it up in my blender bottle with some water. Although this is great for the regular MRS shakes...the Dark choc does not get justice this way. I'm a big believer that everyone and everything should get a second chance to make a first impression. So, I did not give up on the DCMRS soul!

I made some balls and they were wonderful. A few days later I decided to tackle the shake again. This time I put in the old Blentec with water and ice. Oh yum! this was the ticket. The plant protein doesn't thicken up much like whey protein and I like that. I tend to like my shakes on the thin side so this was awesome. It has a dark rich chocolate flavor that is just amazing. I was in love!

I decided to really play around with the shake and have now finished the whole box and will be opening a brand new box tomorrow. I have come up with some delectable flavor combinations, to me its just as versatile as a vanilla! Be creative, my friends.

Add in ideas (with added foods, note will add calories of course)

  • Add 1/2- 1 banana and some PB2 (this will make it thick and creamy option: freeze the banana first)
  • Add 2 cuties (or mandarins) plus the zest
  • Add 1/2 cup mixed frozen berries
  • Add 1/2 cup fresh pineapple
  • Add 2 Tbsp  unsweetened shredded coconut
  • Add 2 Tbsp PB2
  • Add 1-2 Tbsp almonds or almond butter 
Add in ideas (no added calories- perfect for 24 Day Challenge or Lean in 13)
  • Cinnamon (vietnamese cinnamon is best find it here)
  • Orange zest plus ginger
  • Cinnamon and Cayenne (heat it up and perfect aztec hot chocolate!)
  • Fresh Mint leaves or a few drops mint oil 
  • Grapefruit zest 
  • Mandarin zest
  • Mix with Berry Shake and split with a friend-Chocolate covered strawberry!  yum
The possiblities are endless and your imagination is the limit!  Go out and be delcious, my friends!!

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