After a wonderful 4 Day break from busy bustling life out in the woods I am back and starting my Spring Body Cleaning. Hey its late spring, but its still spring! We had a wonderful time out in the woods. Hiking, caving, floating, swimming. It was a great time with great friends.
To be quite honest with you I was a little stressed being that camping usually means a weekend full of junk food and drinking. But...this girl gone sparked really doesn't crave much of that anymore. Its amazing. Oh sure I had a few drinks and did partake in the S'mores festivites and some chips. But, overall I planned ahead and did well. I brought my box of shakes, spark, catalyst, coreplex and omegaplex. I packed healthy snacks, veggies, hummus, portabellas for burgers and nuts...don't ever go anywhere without your nuts! (Thanks, Jeannette!) I even went running the first morning and took every oppurtunity to walk to the 'far' bathrooms to get some extra exercise. I did well.
So today I started a cleanse, time to change the oil. I think I am one of the very few who likes the dreaded fiber drink, I know how good it is for me and it is cleaning out all the crap (no pun intended) Gotta love what does a body good.
I'm set out to rock this cleanse and go straight into Lean in 13 again. I'm really moving along my road and don't plan to stop until I get where I wan to be.
Will you join me?